As of December 2011, The Heart Of The World has been published as an e-book through Amazon Kindle.
If you live outside of Australia, it is best to order a hard copy through major on-line retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Here you will also be able to obtain access to more sample chapters.
If you are located within Australia I can send you a copy directly. There are two options:
1. Send a direct deposit of $14 + $4 for postage to the following account, making sure to e-mail your mailing address and deposit receipt number to
ANZ account name: Mr Adrian P Hekel
account number: 515529413
BSB: 014260
2. If you have a paypal account, send $18 via paypal to the address, again ensuring to e-mail your mailing details.
20% of the royalties will be donated to Lotus Outreach Australia, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to ensuring the education, health and safety of vulnerable women and children in Cambodia.
Thank you for your support,